February 2009

Marine Life
Log Book
Our Family
The Crew

February 2009, Palatka, Fl still

Slowly but surely we are making progress on the boat.  Yay! Why did we sign up for this again?  Oh yea, living the dream.  Hopefully we can start to realize part two of this dream in a couple of months.  (Part one being our time spent on Colomba).  All 10 of the port lights in the salon are in.  The fridge and freezer are being mounted properly for the galley and glassed in.  A counter has been made for the galley and an insert for the stove/hob area to just be cut again when the oven and hob arrive.  The salon, galley and hallway areas have been sanded for gel coating or buffing whatever will be easiest.  The 3 heads are currently being sanded for gel coating.  2 of the heads are having the flooring reinforced.  Lots of minor repairs all around the boat involving grinding, glassing, filling, sanding, gel coating, buffing etc.  There are still several counters to be repaired and Corian (spelling) tops to be mounted.  We also have many a cupboard door to replace as well as the bulkheads, door trims etc.  The swim steps (the steps in the back of the boat leading to the water) are somewhat of a mystery still.  The should be symmetrical but they are anything but.  We continue to sand and shape and hope for the best.  We hope to gel coat the exterior in about 2 weeks time so, middle of March ish.

Our wood for the bulk heads and interior arrived this month.  After searching out the best deals for the wood we need, we took off with "Mini", our trailer that has a mind of her own on the interstate, and drove to Clearwater, FL to get it, which turned out to be a disaster because the shop owner (or shed owner in this case) down there didn't have the right stuff.  He did, however, put us in contact with his supplier and we were able to order the woods we need directly.  We took a trip over to West Marine Clearance Center in Clearwater which turned out to be a  bit disappointing.  Could have something to do with the fact that the last time we were there, 5 yrs ago now, we had jobs and everything seemed like a good deal!  Seriously, we have found better deals over time at the many independent discounted marine shops dotted around Florida. 

 A friend of a friend  who is a shipwright is going to be helping Justin with some of the woodwork and of course, me too!  Just as soon as I get finished with Cool Blue.  The weather is back in the 70s & 80s so my cold weather sabbatical for a couple of weeks is over.   Actually after 2 days hard graft, I am within a day or two of applying primer.  But I have to do laundry this week so maybe 3 days.  In an effort to get to my dingy work before 2pm I have been schooling the squids at the storage shed/workshop.  They love it and so do I because we are done by 10.30 and we are all up at the yard so I can get straight to work.  I did get a comment from Tom, the dock master, who said, "Only in Palatka will you see school being taught on a can of acetone, a bucket of resin, a tub of degreaser  and a cement brick!"  I suppose we did look a bit unconventional.

As a side note, we were looking at the West Marine Clearance Center with a hope in finding an oven for Yebo.  Yea, we found one alright but you couldn't have baked a loaf of bread in it.  The new boat ovens have gas top and bottom for better heat consistency I presume which is nice but, when the oven is only about 12 inches tall and you have a center rack that leaves you 4+/- inches above the rack and 8+/- below because of a heat plate that you can't remove or cook on top of it makes for a teeny, tiny cooking area.   The whole oven is about 12 inches wide.  Now we thought about how one would bake bread in that oven or a cake or cook a roast?? We left their $873.00 oven - yes, can you believe how much teeny weenie marine ovens cost! The whole oven was no larger or smaller than our one on Colomba but the one one Colomba only had gas at the bottom and you could move your center rack higher or lower.    We found one in the end directly from Smev (spelling) who are currently getting rid of a lot of stock because Dometic has bought them out.  Apparently Dometic won't be producing the Smev ovens for a year or more.  We got really lucky and bought an oven with separate hob on clearance which was designed for an RV but in fact is the same model as for the marine industry.  The best part is the discount.    We got them for half the price of what we should have.  Yay!   Always nice to find a bargain.  And the new oven is rated #1 in Europe for  using the least amount of propane for cooking, largest amount of cooking area as well as having the least amount of emissions.

I managed to drag Justin to a Medieval Fair.  It was in Gainesville.  We drove for an hour to get there and the kids got all dressed up.  We were the first ones there so we thought, cool great parking!  But then as the clocked ticked and no more cars arrived we started to wonder if perhaps I'd mixed up my days.  Well, turns out we were a week early!  Ooops.  As we started back home, on our hour long journey, Justin asks, "Did you have fun kids?'  Grumble, grumble in the back seat.  We went back the next week and had a nice time except Aaron who was having a pre-sick day and was a bit miserable and we didn't know why until the next day.  Abigail rode an elephant which was really cool - I hope she will write about it on her page or at least add the picture. 

I took the kids on a field trip to the Fountain of Youth in St Augustine with the homeschool group this month.  I had a drink of water from the spring water to no avail.  Abi refused the water because she was about to have a birthday and didn't want to get any younger.  We visited the planetarium which was powered by a Singer Sewing Machine motors and for lights they use old Chevrolet headlights!  Apparently they are upgrading soon and will get the nice computerized ones that you see at every planetarium and I think that is sad because I learned more in this planetarium than any of the others I've been too.  I believe this was mainly because the system was too slow for the host to zip around with his pointer and change the sky and constellations rapidly like all the other ones do.  We also were given a history lesson which featured a two story illuminated globe!  Really cool.  We had a picnic with peacocks and squirrels, despite the cold day and fed an ostrich.  The kids and I got to see a lot of artifacts from the Indian burial mound that was discovered on the property.  The guides taught us that Christopher Columbus didn't discover America and it was not discovered in 1492.  In fact Chris never set foot on American soil!  Honestly, why did I bother going to school?  What I did retain has turned out to be a lie!  Anyway, the  fact is, Juan Ponce de Leon was the first European to come to America and that was in the year 1513.  He arrived just after a storm somewhere near St Augustine's Fountain of Youth.  Yay Ponce!    The kids are pictured with Ponce and also with a 7ft tall Timucua Indian chief.  Incidentally, the Timucua tribe did scalp their enemies.  Not a lot of Native American tribes scalped but this one did.


Railing across bow repaired.

Diesel tank -now repaired & back in the boat

Nidacore shelving up

 Very nearly finished with the starboard side.  Just a bit more sanding and need to get the portholes in, then gel coat all the exterior

Other news, Winn Dixie, the grocery store, has stopped offering free cookies to the kids!  I guess these are hard times indeed.  I have no idea how I will motivate the kids to behave while I shop now!  I got 20 loads of laundry done this week - I guess I also took a little sabbatical from laundry as well - he he! 

BTW, These latest posts are usually frantically written with a LOT of interruptions from the kids or the dog or dinner or something so I hope they don't read as complete crap. 

Till next month.....


Jan 09
Feb 09
May 09
Oct 09


playing games at the faire

Abi & Aaron with 7ft tall Chief

learning about fish anatomy